Good Morning Sweet Sister, today is going to be a GREAT day! Rise and Shine and don't miss the prayer below!

I'm hoping you are still focused on loving yourself and then others today.
Love is the most powerful driving force in the world.
NOTHING can stop the LOVE of God from penetrating the human soul or life.
NOTHING can stop the LOVE of God from healing the most broken of hearts.
And this love of God is what we are all living from, not for.
As a child of God, we have the ability to use His love to penetrate the human soul of others. We have the ability to crack the broken heart wide open and fill it with joy, peace, hope and love again. Because His love can and will conquer all things.
One thing that God impressed upon me years ago when reading the keys of love is to put Jesus' name before each verse and then do the same with mine. Without fail I'm immediately humbled how much of a difference human love is to the love of God. Our imperfect and failed love can't touch the pure and holy love of God.
Don't put that pressure on yourself but make it your daily prayer to love more like our Savior. To become a patient, kind, humble, content, and holy person. One choice and moment at a time.
Father, today as we begin our weekend, our hope and trust is in You alone. Thank You that you are the lover of our souls and desire to lavish us with Your love. Thank You that nothing can separate us from Your love. Thank You that no matter what You are always there to forgive us and pour our Your mercy. Thank You that no matter what You always go before us and make the crooked paths straight and light the way, so our feet don't slip. Thank You that You are always praying for us and over us. Thank You that Your song for us is deliverance. Thank You that You promise to be our shelter through every storm and carry us when the burden was never meant for us to hold. Thank You that Your love makes all things new and well for our souls. Thank You Father for a love so immense the human mind can't comprehend or contain it. Thank You for being closer to us than a brother at all times. Thank You that Your love always sees, hears and is for us! Thank You for the example of love through the gift and blessing of our Savior Jesus Christ. Thank You that when we forget what He has done for us, that You find ways to bring us back to truth. Thank You that Your truth is the one thing we can count on in this life and it sets us free! We praise You and love You! In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you for visiting and welcome to one of the greatest 30-day challenges you could ever begin! If you missed day one, then click on the tag positive thoughts.
I will be doing an inner child healing video that will be on my YouTube channel, so be sure you are subscribed to will not want to miss out on this powerful session together.
If you have not joined my FB group for women over 40 looking to lose weight and reclaim their health, then do so today here.
May God bless you on your inner healing journey!
ICF Certified Somatic Integrated Trauma Informed Coach ™
CPD Accredited & Certified Integrated Trauma Informed Coach™
Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach ™
Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist ™
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner
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