Good Morning Sweet Sister - Will today be day one or one day?

Happy Monday and a blessed new week friend!
What does it look like to take a step of faith and your own inner healing?
Simply doing it. Trusting in the facts that will never fail you or harm you. It looks like making yourself a priority and not putting self-care off another day. It means utilizing what God has given us - mind, body, and soul to heal naturally. It means taking action and not allowing the enemy to steal or rob one more day of what the Lord has already promised - peace that surpasses all understanding when we rely on Him, His plans, His ways, and His timing.
If you haven't read and watched what I shared yesterday, then please make time for it.
PSALMS 23 is by far the most read and spoken of the psalms and maybe you need to hear it like I did today.
Each verse has a special message for us to know and hold onto. Read this slowly today and receive its truth. Why? Because truth sets us free. And I for one need this freedom every moment of every day right now!
1 The LORD is my shepherd, - RELATIONSHIP
I lack nothing. - SUPPLY
2 HE makes me lie down in green pastures, - REST
HE leads me beside quiet waters, - REFRESHMENT
3 HE refreshes my soul. - HEALING
He guides me along the right paths - GUIDANCE
for HIS name’s sake. - PURPOSE
4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, - TESTING
I will fear no evil, - PROTECTION
for YOU are with me; - FAITHFULNESS
YOUR rod and YOUR staff, they comfort me. - DISCIPLINE
5 YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. - HOPE
YOU anoint my head with oil; - CONSECRATION
my cup overflows. - ABUNDANCE
6 Surely YOUR goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, - BLESSING & SECURITY
and I will dwell in the house of the LOR forever. - ETERNITY
Thank you for visiting and welcome to one of the greatest 30-day challenges you could ever begin! If you missed day one, then click on the tag positive thoughts.
If you have not joined my FB group for women over 40 looking to lose weight and reclaim their health, then do so today here.
May God bless you on your inner healing journey!
ICF Certified Somatic Integrated Trauma Informed Coach ™
CPD Accredited & Certified Integrated Trauma Informed Coach™
Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach ™
Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist ™
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner
Certified Mental Wellness Coach Questions, please email
Follow us @innerhealingcoach
NOTE: I AM NOT a licensed medical professional. Please seek a medical professional for treatments, medical advice, or before you start any new wellness protocol.
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