Good morning and blessed start to a new week!

I remember feeling defeated with how my brain worked, the ruminating negative thoughts, daily brain fog, and how much weight I gained before leaving my marriage. I was the heaviest I'd ever been, even when pregnant. I didn't know all that I do now about trauma, abuse and the nervous system. I had no clue the chronic stress and hell I was living in was causing my body to hold onto the weight I couldn't release no matter how much I fasted, or what I ate. Not to mention I was figuring out the new season of menopause at the exact same time. Hello, the wild west of hormones! Women over 50 are NOT studied and all the advice out there is confusing and misleading to say the least!
My brain and body were overloaded with cortisol.
I was overwhelmed by all the truths I had to face and starting over at 53 years old. I felt unseen and unheard by God. I was literally clinging to whatever faith I had left after all the hypocrisy shoved down my throat for six years about religion! I was discouraged, doubtful, hopeless and needed to figure out how to climb out of the valley I found myself in...because no one was coming to rescue me.
In 2022, I began my journey into deep inner healing work and to become certified so I could help others just like me heal too! It was not easy, and the work is not done today either. It will not be complete until I'm home with our Lord and Savior.
What I learned through my coursework and the tools I developed along the way are what I needed and now have to share with you are life changing. The truth I'm sharing each day here will help you pick up the pieces of your life and climb the mountain before you.
During my final months of coursework to acquire my credentials I was busy doing case studies and practicing all that I learned, from brainspotting to positive psychology techniques. The results were astounding and incredibly powerful!
I quickly filled up my 1:1 coaching practice and was learning new things right along with my clients. Every time they had an "ah-ha" moment so did I with how to apply the knowledge and education I had received. The more I coached the deeper I understood the missing piece for helping women after abuse/divorce/loss/trauma to reclaim their health.

Betraying yourself by ignoring the reality your body is overwhelmed by the pain you've lived through or all the confusion around menopause will never get you the results you crave, need, and desire.
Ignoring your pain. It will not work.
Nor will chasing after symptoms.
At the end of 2023, I closed down my private 1:1 coaching because I was in another season of needing to do the next level of deep inner work on myself. I was faced with new challenges as a single mom of adult children and dating. I had to focus on me and all that was happening around me.
At the same time, I was watching women suffer and be so confused on why they are not losing weight, feeling peaceful and joyful, able to balance their hormones, think clearly and so much more.
Which led me to spending all of 2024 creating eBooks to help guide women to find real solutions for their inner healing journey. From mental and physical health, to dating guides for women over 30 and younger women who desperately need to learn this life saving information.
God kept me in a season of being still and preparing the way for me to walk out all that I learned. Which is where I am today, daily practicing the best way to apply the revelations and information I've been taught.
And if you are like me sweet sister, you are tired of spending money on empty promises on how achieve the results you are praying to find and desire.
We are not perishing for a lack of information. We perish for a lack of applying the information we know. Hosea 4:6
Here is the challenge we ladies face in 2025 -
People are spending TONS of money and never getting well.
Yes, this is a fact we can all verify. Look around everywhere you go - people are heavier and sicker now more than ever before in human history. Children are filling up hospitals all across the world and dealing with dis-eases they never had at such young ages.
Medicine is not the answer and never will be. There is a place for it and the same goes with supplements.
Let me clarify that I 100% believe in pharmaceuticals when it is medically necessary to save a life. However, I am 100% of the belief that taking a holistic approach to health is the best option in the world, and how God designed it.
That doesn't change the fact that the holistic space (functional medicine) really needs to shift in order to align with God's truth about the human body and its design to heal.
It needs to shift to actually helping people understand that we are living in a body that is eventually going to die. There are always going to be root causes and dis-ease in our body because we are not meant to live forever.
Should we still treat our bodies with the utmost respect and choices, absolutely! Should we continually have people spending more money, doing the next protocol, taking the next lab, find the next root cause? No!
This mentality breeds sickness not wellness.
That’s why I stepped back from the health and wellness coaching space. If you are constantly trying to “fix” the next thing you are sending every signal to your nervous system that you are not well.
Guess what? If you do that, then you will never be well. If you continue to try the next new supplement or thing to hit the market because you have all those symptoms, you are telling your nervous system, “You are not well.” Your brain creates what you tell it! It's job is to make what you say, think, and believe your reality. Thus, why I say daily affirmations that I've shared many times here on the blog and a new guide will be coming out with my exact daily practice soon.
Just because your friend is taking, using, and suggesting every new supplement or diet, does NOT mean you should too. You want to limit the amount of supplements you are taking by nourishing the body with nutrient dense whole foods, limit all toxins in your body and life! So that your body and brain can work exactly as God created them to do well into your 90's!
As you know I've stepped away from using or suggesting most supplements on the market today. There are very few that the body truly needs if you are doing all the things I shared last week and throughout February for the brain and body to heal. If you are interested in what I suggest for you as you begin to rebalance your hormones, etc., then you can reach out to do a one-hour consultation with me for $100. On-going sessions fee will be determined by your personal goals and health challenges you are currently facing.
I want to be clear once again, NO, you do not need to be taking all the supplements and vitamins. NO, you do not need to do the next and best protocol. NO, you do not need to constantly be removing foods to “fix your gut.”
If you have not read my post on March 1st, then please do that right now, here.
What you do need to heal is your nervous system by renewing your mind!! And that starts with helping it know that you are safe and well. That looks like stepping back and taking some rest from ALL the things and maybe recognizing you only need a few targeted things. That looks like stop spending hundreds of dollars a month on supplements you don’t need! It looks like getting the right support and help that aligns with truth! And it means going back to the basics of how to take the best care of yourself that we learned in elementary school.
The investment I've made into doing the inner healing work the last three years is priceless. Ensuring that I arise and go to bed each night with thoughts of gratitude that I am healthy, whole and well in JESUS name, not by my own power - let's my nervous system know I am safe, peaceful, calm, worthy, enough, loveable, and important.
And I leave with you this to ponder as you begin a new week!
You are not fragile.
You are iron forged in fire, a blade sharpened by every trial, every loss, every moment they told you that you couldn’t—shouldn’t—wouldn’t. And yet, here you stand.
A force. A reckoning. A Queen who did not wait for permission to rise.

The world tried to break you, to turn your softness into something brittle, something that would shatter at the first sign of pressure. Instead, you became something unbreakable. You took pain and rewrote it into power. You took betrayal and turned it into wisdom. You stood in the wreckage of what was and built a kingdom from the bones of your past.
Your scars do not make you weak; they make you art. A story worth telling. A legend whispered in the wind.
You are not delicate. You are dangerous in the best way. And no one—no one—can take that from you.
Wear your crown. Wield your sword. You are a warrior. You are a Queen.
The fact that you are here reading this challenge lets me know that you are ready to truly embrace inner healing and conquer all that is holding you back from living out God's best for you. Which leads me say, NOW is the time to join my group as we begin this 30-day Wellness Challenge - recipes, meal plans, resources and tools for women over 50!
Please share this post and invite those you love to join us. We heal together! Be sure to check out the Your Brain is Speaking and Your Body is Listening ebook below. Click on shop to learn more about my Mental Wellness & Self-Care Workbook to supplement your journey throughout this challenge.
Thank you for visiting and choosing to complete one of the greatest 30-day challenges you could ever begin! If you miss a day, then click on the tag Wellness Challenge at the bottom of each post. GO GRAB free resources for this challenge in my stories on Instagram/Facebook today! If you missed them, then reach out through DM and I will send them to you ASAP.
May God bless you on your inner healing journey!
ICF Certified Somatic Integrated Trauma Informed Coach ™
CPD Accredited & Certified Integrated Trauma Informed Coach™
Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach ™
Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist ™
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner
Certified Mental Wellness Coach Questions, please email
Follow us @innerhealingcoach
NOTE: I AM NOT a licensed medical professional. Please seek a medical professional for treatments, medical advice, or before you start any new wellness protocol.