Good morning precious sister! We have the control to change the rest of our lives. Do we control everything? No. Keep reading to grab a hold of this truth and renew your mind and soul today with me.

The above is what is in your control. You can't control the free will of any other person or how the world around you acts, reacts, behaves, believes, etc. Nor can you change anyone else. You are only in control of you.
As you previously read on my March 1st post, trauma changes the way the brain works. It also has a direct effect on how you perceive yourself, the world around you, what is safe or dangerous.
Protecting yourself from real or perceived danger also has an effect on how you think, react, and go about your daily life.
Negative thought patterns are often developed at a young age and were needed to protect us from anything our little self was not meant to handle, face, or process. Leaving us with false beliefs about love, God, our identity and person agency. Unfortunately, what worked for us as children no longer serves us well as an adult. We don't realize that what trained us at a young age is the very thing that leads us into relationships, jobs, and situations that the enemy uses for our self-destruction.
Our early years create our beliefs about who we are, what love is and isn't, and our value (self-worth).
Most women I counsel never realized the pain those beliefs were having on their lives and how it set them up for failed marriages, abusive relationships and the loss of self.
This reality causes too many women to stay in toxic and unhealthy relationships for too long, blame themselves for the failure of the relationship, and carry the burden of it all to the destruction of their physical, emotional and spiritual selves. Which explains why so many women over 40 are dealing with autoimmune dis-eases. They are inflamed from a lifetime of believing thoughts that are not true and being subjected to many lies others have told them.
Our thoughts will either heal or hurt us. The choice is up to us.
I will continue to dive into this topic throughout the coming weeks and months. You can learn more about the brain and how it is affecting your health in my e-book Your Brain is Speaking and Your Body is Listening, linked below.
If you followed along in February, then you know we did 30 days of positive thoughts. What you think and speak over yourself has the power to create wellness or sickness. God says, be very careful with the use of your tongue - it holds life and death. Be careful with your thoughts, they become your character. Both can bring you great peace, joy, hope, love, and life of abundance with God, or they can cause immense pain physically, mentally, and financially, spiritually.
Which leads me to the remind you that speaking daily affirmations will increase your immune system's ability to fight off dis-ease, create peace and calm within your mind and body, and draw you closer to God. A strong practice of daily gratitude first thing upon waking and before you go to bed is scientifically proven to change your brain and body's health. Easy to do, with a huge impact and its free!

Keep a look out on my YouTube channel, I will be doing EFT with daily affirmations, inner child healing and building up your immune system.
If this post blessed you, then please share it with those you love and invite them to join us on this life transformational wellness challenge. We heal together!
What you think is more powerful than what you eat or drink! Try it out yourself and report back to me how you feel after committing to faithfully using all the tools I'm sharing here for 30 days!
The fact that you are here reading this challenge lets me know that you are ready to truly embrace inner healing and conquer all that is holding you back from living out God's best for you. Which leads me say, NOW is the time to join my group as we begin this 30-day Wellness Challenge - recipes, meal plans, resources and tools for women over 50!
Thank you for visiting and choosing to complete one of the greatest 30-day challenges you could ever begin! If you miss a day, then click on the tag Wellness Challenge at the bottom of each post. GO GRAB free resources for this challenge in my stories on Instagram/Facebook today! If you missed them, then reach out through DM and I will send them to you ASAP.
May God bless you on your inner healing journey!
ICF Certified Somatic Integrated Trauma Informed Coach ™
CPD Accredited & Certified Integrated Trauma Informed Coach™
Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach ™
Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist ™
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner
Certified Mental Wellness Coach Questions, please email
Follow us @innerhealingcoach
NOTE: I AM NOT a licensed medical professional. Please seek a medical professional for treatments, medical advice, or before you start any new wellness protocol.